Even Better Still!
Choosing to be fret free… choosing instead to be committed to and patiently wait on the Lord has blessings that far exceed any conceivable advantage one might enjoy from ill-gotten gains. Revisiting yesterday’s text, Psalm 37:5-11 and musing on this psalm in its entirety, it becomes even easier… still more comforting to focus on the goodness of God to be enjoyed through walking in God’s ways, more than allowing oneself to be distracted by the evildoers and their deeds.
Would you like to engage in an exercise to increase your positive focus? Try this if you will: First, read Psalm 37 ignoring, weeding out the actions and fate of the evildoers. Second, rewrite the psalm being sure, intentional to jot down only the words and promises of God concerning those who are committed and faithful to the Lord’s ways. Next, read your rewritten version… your extract of the psalm. And lastly, continue to read, recite, and meditate on all that the Lord has promised… all that the Lord has in store for those that hold to God’s word.
Let Us Pray
Lord God, we thank you for your divine counsel you continue to share with the generations of your people through your written word. We are ever grateful for your holy scriptures for they offer light and life to all who choose to take, eat, and be nourished. May we remember to embrace the messages and meanings found within your holy book .And still more, may we be faithful to live in the light of your truths.