Springfield Gardens UMC Virtual Communion
Sunday, September 5th, 2021
One of the most poignant moments we share as a community of believers is when we gather around the Lord’s Table to celebrate communion.
Starting on the first Sunday in September, and continuing on the first Sundays of October, November and December, we will be extending our virtual communion table by allowing individuals and families to collect blessed communion elements on selected dates, in order to partake in this supper together.
In preparation for this service, you may pick-up the elements following the schedule below:
Communion Pick-up Schedule
Wednesday, August 18th
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Thursday, August 19th
12 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Upcoming Virtual Communion dates
Sunday, September 5th
Sunday, October 3rd
Sunday, November 7th
Sunday, December 5th
Plan Your Visit
As you come by the church using the Welcome Center entrance (Denis Street side) to pick-up your communion elements, please be sure to:
Wear a mask
Practice social distancing
Avoid gathering in the building and/or on the grounds
We appreciate you preparing yourselves as needed before you come.
You remain in our prayers and we look forward to providing the elements for this upcoming service.
