Limited Seating Services
Join us for Worship
Sunday, September 25th
9 a.m.
We will continue to practice caution wherever possible.
Online registration will open at 10 a.m. on the Tuesday prior to the service you would like to attend. Seats MUST be reserved prior to arriving at the church building and these guidelines should be followed:
Visitors should maintain 6 feet of distance between each other, except for members of the same family or household.
ALL visitors are required to wear face coverings.
Those who are sick or have been exposed to someone who is sick should NOT attend.
Important Changes
New Services Schedule
To accommodate proper cleaning of the sanctuary, we will be adjusting our schedule of services until further notice. Seats and all regularly touched surfaces will be disinfected after each service.
Sundays: 9 a.m. service
Entrance & Check-In
Please enter the building using the red sanctuary doors on the Denis Street side of the building. All other entrances will be locked. Upon arrival, we will have a hands-free check-in process which will include temperature checks. Only those registered will be allowed to enter the building.
Check-in and seating will begin at:
8:15 a.m. for 9 a.m. service
NOTE: Have your QR code or Access code handy as you check-in
Hand Sanitizer Stations
Hand sanitizing stations are provided at each entrance and at various locations around the church building, for your convenience.
Continuation of Online Services
We will continue hosting weekly online services. We hope those who cannot join us in person will continue to join us online.
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