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Lenten Devotional 2021 - Day Six

Ego Peccator

Psalm 51, verses 3 and 4, point to a series of infamous choices and life altering events in the life of King David. These events would not only plague his mind and heart, but they ultimately impacted the remaining years of his kingship and the generations to come. His actions resulted in the assassination of one of his faithful soldiers, the death of his own infant son, and a family rift that threatened to divide the United Kingdom of Israel. As David reflected, surveying the wreckage of his wrongdoings and selfish deeds, he acknowledges in essence, “I am a sinner.” And, though keenly aware of the relationships that had been shattered and the lives lost… taken, he concludes that his greatest, most egregious sin was against God. Perhaps if David saw it as such when he set his eyes and then his appetite on Bathsheba, that she was a daughter of God as much as David was one of God’s sons, perhaps he would have acted differently… perhaps he would not have crossed the line.

What if we would pause to recognize, see, and acknowledge the sonship, daughter-ship… the image of God in others? Might we steer clear of the sin that can easily beset us… easily entangle us… losing sight of who and what is of God?

Let Us never fail to remember that everyone and everything belong to God. With whoever and whatever we dishonor or despise; we in turn show disdain and contempt for God. Let Us walk with this understanding. Let Us pray that the Lord will help each of us to hold this truth in the forefront of our mind, that whatever we do, or fail to do, to the least of God’s children… we likewise do unto the Lord.

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